Published by Hungry Tomato (R) on January 1st 2018
ISBN: 1512459755
Pages: 32

This book is part of the series: Wild World of Sharks and gives the reader a crash course in sharkology. Within 32 pages, the reader learns the basics about these “wolves of the sea.” Sharks have been around some 400 million years, they are carnivores ( though some supplement their diet with plants). They hunt with all their senses- sight- they have good night vision, smell-nares on either side of their snout pick up scents for hundreds of meters touch- a line of sensors run the length of their body, it lets the shark know when the water is disturbed and they have touch sensitive teeth. They also have electro -location, they can sense anything that produces electricity- including humans. Other areas covered include what makes them sharks, where they can be found and what is their greatest enemy. Written in bullets surrounded with incredible photos, the information is short and sweet. The author offers a shark identification page and a glossary in the back. Author Mason has written a book that will whet the appetite of budding shark scientists. This addition works in any collection, large or small. Good for all ages.
Reviewed by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray Me.