The Frindle Files

The Frindle FilesThe Frindle Files by Andrew Clements
on August 27, 2024
ISBN: 0399557636
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Frindle lovers will enjoy this many-years in the future sequel (and won’t need to read Frindle first to enjoy the Frindle Files). Josh is frustrated that his ELA teacher does not use, or allow the use of technology, in his class. All homework assignments are hand-written and each student must bring their Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style book – not the ebook – to class every day. When Josh’s pen runs out of ink, he borrows one from his mom. The pen has the mysterious word “frindle” printed on it which leads to a google search about that time when a student coined the word frindle and it became somewhat of a viral event. The more Josh learns about frindles, the more he suspects his teacher knows all about frindles and sets out to prove it. Josh is a coder and finds it hard to let go of technology in ELA class and when he downloads an ebook version of The Elements of Style, it quickly becomes clear he has downloaded a pirated and typo-riddled version. There is an interesting juxtaposition between the rules for writing (Elements of Style) and the rules for coding (Python) and binary code scattered throughout the book translates into a secret message. Josh and his classmates rediscover Charlotte’s Web when they realize the connection to The Elements of Style.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


We Are Big Time

We Are Big TimeWe Are Big Time by Hena Khan, Safiya Zerrougui
ISBN: 0593430484
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Sports
Format: Graphic Novel

This middle-grade graphic novel features an all-girls Muslim basketball team in Wisconsin who learn what it means to be part of a team. Aliya is the new girl and has to figure out how to fit in at school, on the team, and in her family. Readers will relate to Aliya’s challenges of being the new kid and dealing with her family’s pressure to prioritize grades over sports. The descriptions of attending an all-Muslim school and the pressures the team faces over their wearing of hijabs and conservative clothing are portrayed realistically. When the team starts winning, the “gotcha” journalist try to trip up Aliya and her teammates but they quickly learn how to gracefully field questions from the public, especially those questions about how they dress. This book is a great companion volume to Hoops by Matt Tavares.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Mapmakers and the Flickering Fortress

Mapmakers and the Flickering FortressMapmakers and the Flickering Fortress: (A Graphic Novel) by Amanda Castillo, Cameron Chittock
ISBN: 0593172957
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Graphic Novel

Third and final book in the Mapmakers graphic novel trilogy finds Alidade and her Memri, Blue, trying to find other mapmakers while her friends set out on their own in other directions across the Plains. They learn that the Night Coats have been trying to claim all the land by altering maps. Fans of the previous books will be clamoring for this one. The art is top-notch and the muted color palette works well with the story. With themes of community and nature, readers will cheer from Alidade and her friends to prevail. A satisfying conclusion to the series.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Farrah Noorzad and the Ring of Fate

Farrah Noorzad and the Ring of FateFarrah Noorzad and the Ring of Fate by Deeba Zargarpur
on July 2, 2024
ISBN: 0593564413
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Farrah’s father visits her one day each year and her parents steadfastly refuse to explain why she never can visit him or why they only see each other annually. During his latest visit, they spend time rock-climbing and hiking. After the hike, her father hands her a box containing a ring and asks her if she would make a wish if she knew an object gave her the power to make the wish come true. When she holds the ring she is thinking about her father and her family and he suddenly disappears. Evidently Farrah’s wish causes her father to become trapped in the ring. This allowed a boy to escape from the ring and with the boy’s help, she embarks on a journey to rescue her father by traveling to his jinn world. Her journey is also one of self-discovery where she finally learns more about who she is. This is a terrific middle-grade fantasy novel that deftly balances the real world with the world of the jinn. The book may be a little long for some readers and the ending will leave readers wanting more. Hopefully a sequel is in the works.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham
