Published by National Geographic Kids on September 6, 2022
ISBN: 1426372612
Pages: 224
Genres: Animals, Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Picture Book Nonfiction

National Geographic Kids will rope in curious children with 5000 Awesome Facts (About Animals). In the back matter it says putting this book together was a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle and it reads the same way. Each 2-page spread contains anywhere from 1-100 facts alongside beautiful, photographs and images. Some pages are very text heavy which may limit the interest for some readers. The book, however, is very well produced, as we’ve come to expect from National Geographic, and readers need not travel far to find a page with more of what they like. Topics range from “Social Media Pets”, to gorillas, to “Creature Couples”, to flightless birds, to “Animals That Can Take the Heat” (like tardigrades and camels) and more. The back matter includes an index, credits and citations, and a “behind the book” section.
Unfortunately, like many fact books, this one is not made of the most solid construction. The binding is sewn and some pages were breaking with just one adult gently reviewing the book. These kinds of books circulate heavily and need kevlar bindings! This would be an especially big hit with 2nd-5th graders for an individual check out.
Reviewed by Savannah Sessions, MSAD#17 Librarian