Mixed: A Colorful Story

Mixed: A Colorful StoryMixed: A Colorful Story by Arree Chung
Published by Henry Holt & Company on July 3rd 2018
ISBN: 1250142733
Pages: 40

With a firm belief that we can never have enough books that offer a message of acceptance and civility, this picture book is a gem. Using the very simple concept of primary colors, Chung weaves a story that illustrates how separation and division takes its toll on people’s happiness.

First there are the Reds, Yellows, and Blues, and everyone gets along. One day a Red decides that they are the best color, much to the shock of all Yellows and Blues, who cannot agree. The once-harmonious land is now divided into three separate sections and no one mixes. Then a Yellow notices a Blue and the two decide that they do like one another enough to mix. Enter Green, one part Blue, one part Yellow, one part all her own. Slowly, the mixtures become more common until there are too many colors to live in separate sections and everyone embraces the rainbow. This book does what excellent picture books do, distills a complex issue into an understandable visual that any child can grasp (perhaps adults should read more picture books?!).  Chung’s color dot illustrations convey meaning and emotion while managing to be adorable. This will have wide circulation appeal and will make a wonderful read aloud. Highly recommend.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth
