The Thirteenth Cat

The Thirteenth CatThe Thirteenth Cat by Mary Downing Hahn
Published by Clarion Books on September 7, 2021
ISBN: 0358394082
Pages: 240
Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Horses
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Instead of camp this summer, Zoey has come from New York to spent summer vacation with her Aunt Alice in her new home in a  quant Vermont town.  Little did she know,  that the town rumor is that a witch lives next door to them.  Her dilapidated house is deep  and hidden in the dark woods.  She  is never seen and the only company  that she ever gets is when  a strange old- fashioned cab pulls up and leaves with the driver carrying out boxes.

Could being a witch explain why there are always a slew of black cats outside her Aunt’s house? They are always lined up and  watching  what Zoey is doing when she is outside.   One day, one of them  befriends Zoey and refuses to leave her and decides it wants to live with Zoey and her Aunt.  This is when the trouble starts. The old woman next door comes over to get her cat back but is denied. The cat is scared of Miss Dupree and hides away from her, this enrages her and she vows to get revenge.

Could there be more to the story of all of these cats?  Is Miss Dupree really a  horrible witch?  One day Zoey and her new friend, Lila from across the street decide to go into the woods to investigate more. This becomes a terrible mistake and the mystery of  all the black cats becomes known.  Zoey and Lila become way too involved and reach a point of no return literally.

This is a captivating story that is scary, mysterious and keeps the reader on edge. Mary Downing Hahn does not disappoint the reader in her latest book. A definite good addition for  any juvenile collection.


Reviewed by, Amy Tobalske, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook
