on September 7, 2021
ISBN: 1536214337
Pages: 320
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Romance, Short Stories
Format: Fiction

Battle of the Bands is a clever idea for an anthology; fifteen high school age bands are competing to be the best in a New Jersey high school auditorium. Each band, or more accurately, a band member from each band has story to tell and they intertwine as we get glimpses into other stories. The book is inclusive and full of (mostly) likable characters. Unfortunately, most of the stories revolve around romantic entanglements. I wanted to know more about the music, and while some of the stories did focus on it, overall the bands and music were outweighed by all of the relationship drama. Even my favorite chapter, one about the people running the sound and lighting, had to awkwardly include a crush sub-plot. Not a must-have, but it will probably circulate.
Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath