Jackie Ormes Draw the Future: The Remarkable Life of a Pioneering Cartoonist

Jackie Ormes Draw the Future: The Remarkable Life of a Pioneering CartoonistJackie Ormes Draws the Future: The Remarkable Life of a Pioneering Cartoonist by Liz Montague
Published by Random House Studio on May 16, 2023
ISBN: 0593426541
Pages: 40
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Jackie Ormes Draws the Future is a biography about the artist Jackie Ormes. The book’s illustrations are an homage to Ormes’s drawing style and highlight the ebbs and flows of the story well. The biography spotlights her life from childhood through to her final largest illustrative success: Patty-Jo. An oft-overlooked figure in American history, this is a worthwhile supplement to any biography section.

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Patten Free Library, Bath
