
Storm-WakeStorm-Wake by Lucy Christopher
Published by Chicken House on July 31st 2018
ISBN: 054594032X
Pages: 320

Lucy Christopher pays tribute to Shakespeare’s The Tempest in this suspenseful, middle grade fantasy novel. The story is organized into acts mirroring a play. In the first act, readers are introduced to Moss, a girl who lives on a magical island with her father. The two are far removed from all aspects of society and civilization. After a storm on the island, a boy and a horse appear on the beach and provide company to the lonely Moss. Christopher’s world building and descriptive language will immerse readers in life on the mystical island. When a boat crashes on the rocks and strands two boys from the outside world, Moss learns a shocking secret about her past, her father and the island she calls home. Middle grade and teen readers who enjoy magical realism will be drawn to this unique and mysterious story. Some readers may find the plot confusing at times, but the confusion will be cleared up in the last few chapters.

Reviewed by Cathy Potter, Falmouth Middle School
