Bernice Buttman, Model Citizen is the story of a fifth grader from a large family who dreams of going to Hollywood Stunt camp because she loves to punch things. Old Bernice is a bully but Bernice’s mother sends her to go live with her Aunt Josephine at a church and no one knows her there. She is thinking about becoming New Bernice.
This book has messages about self confidence and classism. It tells the reader that just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your goals. It also teaches that bullies are not always bad people. Bernice learns that not everything is about punching people. This is a story of a character rather than a plot.
The narration is from Bernice, an eleven year old’s perspective. I think this is appropriate for people who are a similar age.
Kathleen Powers, Winslow Public Library, Winslow, ME