Birds of a Feather; Bowerbirds and Me

Birds of a Feather; Bowerbirds and MeBirds of a Feather: Bowerbirds and Me by Susan L. Roth
Published by Neal Porter Books on May 14th 2019
ISBN: 0823442829
Pages: 40

Primary teachers and librarians may select this book because it highlights bowerbirds, perhaps to learn more about this Australian species of bird.  Art teachers will select this book because it provides the experience of viewing an artist at work.  It is parents and children who will make the choice to purchase Birds of a Feather: Bowerbirds and Me just because it is fascinating and beautiful.  Roth points out the artistic eye of the bowerbird and compares his creations to her own.  His composition is made using different tools but his materials are found object like hers.  The bowerbird’s goal of attracting a female bird is achieved, the artist’s goal of depicting her work process is presented and the result is a winning package.

Each page is delightful, some two page spreads are busy while others offer white space. Readers learn about a new species of bird but it is Roth’s artistic illustrations that make this a fantastic read.   Backgrounds vary, materials are organic and the colors used are consistent throughout the book.  Children will question if the author used feathers to make her hair and wonder how long it took her to collect all her bits and pieces for these stunning collages.  A recommended  addition to grade k-3  schools and public libraries.  Art teachers working with all ages would love to be gifted a copy of this title.

Submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME
