on March 17, 2020
ISBN: 1536201219
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

BEN OF ALL TRADES is a lovely biography for ages 4- 10 and up, about young Benjamin Franklin . Ben desperately desires to become a man of the sea. HIs father, Josiah, tries over and over – unsuccessfully, to convince young Ben that this is not a good choice. “Son of mine,” says Josiah, “I will not see another Franklin lost to the sea.” Ben tried many jobs during his early years: a joiner, a boot closer, a turner and a chandler. None were to his satisfaction. Eventually Josiah tells Ben that he will sign indentures with his brother James’s print shop where Ben was to become a journeyman. “Perhaps you will read and study and write to the contentment of your heart.,” And so it was there, at the print shop, that Ben, from his roots as a reader and a “woolgatherer,” blossomed. In time, he became an inventor, ambassador, political leader, journalist, editor, college president, scientist and postmaster!
A GORGEOUSLY illustrated book depicting the activities of young Ben Franklin. Children will be pulled in by the engaging and realistic illustrations of artist, Matt Tavares.
BEN OF ALL TRADES shows us a deeply determined and curious young boy, willing to experiment with the many activities that ultimately lead to his successful career.
Could be used to exemplify the valuable traits of persistence and of knowing oneself well
Also, very useful when studying “childhood biographies of famous people.”
Reviewed by Connie M. Smith, Breakwater School, Portland, ME