Published by Katherine Tegen Books on January 2nd 2018
ISBN: 0062644211
Pages: 432

In this first book of a planned series readers are introduced to Octavia, a young lady who wants to be a scientist on the planet of Faloiv. Yes, this is science fiction but the plot runs toward fantasy and romance. Certainly the strong heroin has a plan, one that must change as the story unfolds, complete with twist and turns. Complete with a shady character, moral issues and open defiance it could be said that fiction imitates the real world.
This well written yet somewhat slow book should be given to teen girls who loved The Hunger Games for it sensitive treatment of a strong teenage female. Science fiction readers will enjoy the alternative world and appreciate the several other genres included within the pages. This is a coming of age story as much as a fantasy and mystery.
Public libraries should purchase this title for their YA collection and be on the lookout for the second book of the series: An Anatomy of Beasts.
Reviewed by Jan Hamilton, retired librarian in Scarborough, ME