Series: Kit the Wizard, book 3
Published by Walker Books US on May 24, 2022
ISBN: 1536214957
Pages: 224
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

The Wizard in the Wood is the third book in the Kit the Wizard series by Louie Stowell. A cleverly done recap before the story begins gets readers up to speed, even if they haven’t read the first two books. In the magical world Stowell has created, librarians are wizards, dragons sleep under libraries, dreaming of the stories that they are read; and books are portals to other worlds (libraries). Kit, a newly minted wizard, who loves to play outdoors and her bookish friends, Josh and Alita, must protect a dragon egg from evil wizards who want to remake the world (and not in a good way). Though the threat feels real, Stowell interjects humor throughout: “For someone who wants to keep her friends safe, you’re pretty free and easy with the flammable magic,” complained Josh (p. 148). This is also part of the book’s theme: friends help each other get stronger, rather than sheltering them from all harm. Stowell quietly alludes to a diverse cast of character that Ortu depicts in the digitally created illustrations. Future dragon minders will appreciate the “Guide to Baby Dragon Care” at the back of the book.
The Wizard in the Wood is fast-paced, funny, and rollicking. Readers who enjoy the “Dragon Masters” series and are ready to move on from shorter chapter books but not quite ready for Harry Potter, will appreciate the magical world Stowell has created here. Teachers and librarians will revel in the way multiple genres (poetry, comics) are given props, reinforcing the message that reading is reading, whether it is prose, poem, or picture.
This is a great story to read to any dragon sleeping under the library.
Reviewed by Deanna Contrino, Young School Library, Saco