on May 5, 2020
ISBN: 0358242185
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel

Olive and friends are back in this latest graphic novel from Kayla Miller. This time, Olive notices an injustice in her school — some kids can’t go on the class field trips because their parents can’t afford the extra costs associated with the trips. Olive believes everyone should be able to go on the field trips. She decides to take action by running for student government. It isn’t always easy as she’s up against some tough competition (who are promising chocolate pudding at lunch everyday), but she sticks to her beliefs and runs her campaign on the issues that are important to students. Check it out to find out if she wins and how it all rounds out.
This is a great and timely graphic novel. The story is well thought out and typical of many student government campaigns — some students promise popular but unlikely things while others really want to make student life better for everyone. There’s some friendship drama along the way as well, but that’s secondary to the main story and just adds another layer to the story. The art is typical Kayla Miller and very reminiscent of many graphic novels today. Highly recommended purchase for most libraries.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME