Published by Versify on January 4, 2022
ISBN: 0358387264
Pages: 128
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Kirkwood had a front-row seat to the civil rights movement growing up in Memphis in the 1960s. She marched for the striking Sanitation Workers, mourned after the assassination of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., and traveled to Washington D.C. to join the Poor People’s Campaign. Even as she started her career and family, she worked tirelessly to have a national holiday declared in honor of Martin Luther King. Written in verse with historic photos, this middle grade memoir includes a section on how a law is enacted and bibliographical references. A lot of information is packed into a quick read! Really good – but perhaps not quite cream?
Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham