Published by Crown Books for Young Readers on February 22, 2022
ISBN: 1524773085
Pages: 40
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Alexander von Humboldt: Explorer, Naturalist & Environmental Pioneer Novgorodoff, Danica (au. & ill.)
This picture book by Danica Novgorodoff (award-winning graphic novelist), blends sparkling text and captivating illustrations to tell the life story of Alexander von Humboldt, known as the Father of Ecology for his scientific work demonstrating interconnectedness of living things within an ecosystem. Quotes from Humboldt’s personal narratives are woven through the text and illustrations.
Novgorodoff presents a full picture of Humboldt (1769-1859), whose curiosity about the natural world put him “out of step” with his family and those around him. She is careful, through text and illustrations, to tell his story without generalizing the indigenous people he encounters during his travels, and acknowledges that many of the primary accounts were Eurocentric. The illustrations and diagrams are simple and vivid but provide detail and information for visual learners and readers.
Primary and secondary resources are an important feature of this picture book biography. The book is rich in back matter: timeline, quotation sources, maps as endpages, notes on the text – all work together (a backmatter ecosystem!) to enrich this account of his life.
Naturalists (any child who lays on the ground to examine a bug’s progress) will see themselves in this story about where curiosity can take a person. This is a wonderful example of how a picture book biography can provide enough information for a deep dive about an interesting subject, and still deliver the story in a way that is accessible to younger readers. This book would be a great read-aloud for younger children, and could be used with students through fifth grade, with attention to all the resources within the covers, outside the narrative. Highly recommended! Ten out of ten!
Reviewed by Deanna Contrino, Young School Library, Saco