Published by Farrar Straus Giroux on January 16th 2018
ISBN: 0374302464
Pages: 384

All That Was—Book Review
Piper is the best friend no one should ever have. She forces her will on her BFF Sloane by belittling her, forcing her to lose her virginity to a stranger while being filmed, telling Sloane that even though she said No to the rape that she really meant yes, and cutting Sloane’s hair in the same style as Piper’s after the sex. Sloane has been interested in a boy named Soup since they were in 4th grade, but when she expresses her feelings to Piper that is all it takes for Piper to go after Soup and become his girlfriend. Piper is murdered by the boy who raped Sloane and the story is told in the past and present, showing the guilt Sloane and Soup feel about their part in her death.
The writing style is excellent in a stream of consciousness manner. Readers first only hear Sloane’s thoughts and her emotional problems are front and center. Towards the end we read Soup’s thoughts which adds a great deal to the story. This book should provoke discussions about the hazards of peer pressure, when No means No, and the emotional stress which so many young adults feel. It is recommended for grades 9-12 young adults.
Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland