ISBN: 1250202868
Pages: 384
Genres: Biography/Autobiography, Fantasy
Format: Board Book, Chapter Book Fiction

Red (her real name is Ruby), is in foster care waiting for her mom, a drug addict, to get out of prison. Red is literally counting the days. Every foster home she has been in has not worked out and the anger she feels manifests it self in the wind, just like it does for her mom. She doesn’t want to get close to anyone, especially her new foster family because she wants to live with her mom, if she can just get her to change. But her new foster family seems different and she loves the animals there and begins to care for the them until things happen with her mom. Suddenly her wind begins to destroy things, and even threatens the new foster family she is beginning to love. This book is what I would describe as magic-realism. The wind piece adds so much to the story. The ending with her mom and the foster family, is so hopeful but still has many sad and real elements to it. And Tuck the tortoise on the farm, well, he is just a terrific character and readers will have him tugging at their heart strings just like he does to Red. Grades 5 and up. Cream
Mary Lehmer, Youth Services Librarin, Freeport Community Library, Freeport, ME