Amazing Origami Dinosaurs

Amazing Origami DinosaursAmazing Origami Dinosaurs (Amazing Origami) by Rob Ives
Published by Hungry Tomato (R) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541542827
Pages: 32

Fold and turn and push and rotate and… voila! A dinosaur! Directions and information about six popular dinosaurs and a prehistoric tree are given, along with basic origami strategies. 

The Contents lists the dinosaurs; the index lists topics such as legs, craft shop, fish, and vegetation.

Each set of directions are done in a different color origami paper with contrasting background colors with adequate white space – helps set each one apart. Each fold is numbered, some are completed on a two-page spread, others fill 3-4 pages.  A few facts about each dinosaur are also provided

Now, to find some origami paper…and a youngster to try these with!

Reviewed by Lynn Mayer, Old Town Elementary School, Old Town
