ISBN: 1627797572
Pages: 32

Bearnard, a picture book with text by Deborah Underwood, is the story of a bear who is preparing to audition for his very first book.
One day, Bearnard the bear receives a very special letter from the Queen of Storybook Land. He, has been chosen to be in a book! His mind is racing with thoughts of children reading a book about him, and he rushes off to tell his best friend, Gertie, the duck. This honor is a dream come true for Bearnard, and he wants to be sure he is up for the challenge. So, he begins studying other bear tales to make sure he is prepared. Unfortunately, every time that Bearnard attempts to replicate the other bear’s activities, he fails. From floating in a tub, being a messy bear, to having his porridge stolen, Bearnard just can’t do these things. There will be no book for him….Fortunately, he has a true friend who has his best interests in mind. Gertie points out that he tried all these things and therefore he is a brave bear, plus he may not have to do these things in his own book! Gertie calms him down and convinces him to meet the queen and move forward with the book. He does so, and finds out that the book is about him being a brave bear getting ready to be in his book. And that all he has to do is be himself. The book is ready to go.
The beige pages are colored with shades of green, coral and golden brown conveying a charming and homey feel. The book abounds with lovely textures in the background from artsy wallpapers to textured shower curtain that create the feeling of security and warmth. The illustrations are outlined in bold black and work work well with and easy to read typeface that looks like handwriting. The text is spot on and flows nicely with the illustrations.
An outstanding cream level picture book with many important themes that include : bravery, the importance of having support from a true friend and the big message of just being yourself. A recommended purchase for all libraries.
Reviewed by Terri Bauld, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, Kennebunkport, ME