ISBN: 153442881X
Genres: Animals

Have you ever looked at a frog and wondered “What is it like to BE a frog?”? This book assumes that you have or, at least, that you should, and then takes it from there. I got a kick out of this book. It seemed as though it would just be a simple rhyming book for preschool age children but it works in philosophical questions like “How does time move for frogs? Fast? Slow?” and “Does a frog remember its childhood?”. It also rhymes “Spelunks” with “Glunks” and I admire that. The photography is beautiful and it’s clearly written with an adoration of frogs. Perfect for pre-schoolers or even a little older as there is a nice author’s note with anecdotes, frog information and sources for learning more about amphibians and their conservation.
Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath