Series: World of Click, #2, #2
Published by HarperCollins US on January 4, 2023
ISBN: 0358521165
Pages: 208
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel

This fiction graphic novel is the sequel to Besties Work It Out and was written by Kayla Miller and Jeffrey Canino; it is a story from the world of Click, Miller’s best-selling graphic novel series. The story explores Beth and Chanda’s friendship, as well as the relationships they have with their mothers and sisters. The expressive illustrations take the reader on a journey of two 12-year-old girls navigating their first middle school dance. From trying to get dates to finding the perfect outfits these two girls run into obstacles. Chanda is Indian American and wants to find an outfit that will express her cultural heritage. Beth is a larger girl and struggles with finding a dress that fits and would be flattering. This book shows the reader two best friends who have conflict with each other and how they resolve it. It shows family drama and how the characters deal with that. It shows the reader that is is ok to look different than other kids and still be awesome. This empowering graphic novel is for grades 4-6.
Reviewed by Erin Scott, MSAD 75, Woodside