Published by Feiwel & Friends on May 7th 2019
ISBN: 1250162173
Pages: 128

This is an adorable first chapter book of a second grade little girl Elizabeth and her real life 7 year old problems! Problems like fitting in, being in the right “club” and friends.
Elizabeth is hurt because her friend Anna loses her first baby tooth before Elizabeth does, and is now part of the Big Mouth Club. Elizabeth wants to be part of that club too, and struggles with how it feels to be left out.
This book has large print, short chapters and cute drawings. It explores realist concerns of age-appropriate problems and possible creative solutions.
I would highly recommend this to beginning readers ready for chapter books, and as a great read aloud. Children will easily relate to Elizabeth’s problems and might be inspired by her solutions!
Reviewed By Irene Hall, Witherle Memorial Public Library, Castine