Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541538692
Pages: 32
Mars is one of the few planets that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. It has been a planet that people thought could be visited and even colonized. Since the 1800s when an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schaiparelli viewed Mars and thought that the lines that criss-crossed the planet were canals built by aliens scientists have longed to know more about this planet. This slim volume gives the reader the basics of what scientists have done in their quest to reach Mars. The 1960’s when probes flew by and took photos, Mariner 9 that landed in 1971, 1975 when two Viking spacecraft discovered evidence of water, to 2020 when another Rover is due to be sent and the goal of 2030 when men will go to Mars. Photos and artists images support the text. Use this as an introduction to the planet humans might one day call home.
Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray, Maine
grades 4-6