on October 4, 2022
ISBN: 0063064766
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Hood tells the story of Anders Army (a group of Polish POW evacuees from Soviet labor camps) and how they embrace Wojtek the bear, showing him kindness, compassion, and devotion. An author’s note in the front matter sets up the story by briefly telling the history of how Poland was caught between the Germans and Soviets during WWII, and the plight of the Polish people sent to slave labor camps in Siberia. This author’s note allows the reader to jump into the story at the point when Wojtek makes his appearance.
Anders Army adopts Wojtek, bringing him along for training, guard assignments, and eventually into active duty, to capture a German artillery post in Italy. The author explains that after the desperate and cruel circumstances of the Soviet labor camps, the appearance of Wojtek as a bear cub lifts the morale of the Polish soldiers; Wojtek provides an opportunity for them to coddle and care for someone (like an emotional support bear!).
The illustrations are appealing and charming, despite some of the scary moments in the story, and for children interested in history, this is a fine book. The publisher recommended for ages 4 and up; I disagree. The illustrations will engage younger children but the text works better for older (ages 7 and up) children.
The back matter in this nonfiction picture book contains nine separate resources (maps, photos, timeline, etc.) and would have been more effective if rendered more graphically, combining data into fewer, more dynamic resources.
Reviewed by Deanna Contrino, Young School Library, Saco