ISBN: 154154398X
Genres: Animals, Fantasy
Format: Graphic Novel

Cassandra can speak with animals, and in this second installment of this series, she is trying to find a new home for the dog of an elderly friend. Amidst that plot line, she’s also nervous about a first date, and things seem doomed on that front after it doesn’t go as she imagined it would.
The illustrations in this graphic novel are colorful and in a style typical of many graphic novels right now. The story is underwhelming and not all that engaging. The plot seems confusing in that the pet story line seems more geared towards 2nd-3rd grade readers, but the first date plot line is more appropriate for older readers. I’d give this book to kids no younger than 4th grade because of the dating plot line (which eventually involved kissing).
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME