Published by Feiwel & Friends on January 29th 2019
ISBN: 1250155827
Pages: 448

Death Prefers Blondes
Margo is a rich seventeen-year-old socialite living in Los Angeles who, at first out of boredom, has begun a life of crime with a group of friends. Readers learn what is motivating the Drag-wearing group’s members which range from a father in prison, to a search for excitement, enough money to go to ballet school and to parents’ or guardians’ drug addiction. Margo is sending money to a refugee organization.
But, when Margo’s father is killed it becomes personal as she learns that her father was targeted with a poison specific to him.
Throughout it is never really in doubt that Margo and the boys will triumph. The ages of the characters are all supposed to be in their teens but this didn’t seem realistic. Mid-twenties would have been much more believable. They talk about their high schools but they don’t appear to ever go.
This book is recommended for students in grades 10-12 who like adventure and learning about scientific gadgets. This book was full of them.
Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland