Published by Candlewick Press on March 12th 2019
ISBN: 0763689157
Pages: 40

This picture book biography about Leyzer Zamenhof and his invention of Esperanto is well written and has charming illustrations. Zamenhof was born in 1859 in a Polish town with many different groups of people speaking their own languages. He decided at a young age that he would make up a universal language that would help people understand each other and live in peace. As an adult he shared this language in a book and signed it Dr. Esperanto. Although, Esperanto hasn’t become a universal language, it hasn’t disappeared. There is an annual international meeting called The Universala Kongreso for people interested in pursuing Zamenhof’s dream. This fascinating book will delight readers. The author included more information about Esperanto and Zamenhof at the end of the book. There is also a bibliography of print sources. Grades 2-4, Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish