Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on December 10, 2019
ISBN: 1328770966
Pages: 80
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

This 75 page beautiful picture book explains in excruciating detail, the months and years of preparation an astronomer takes to properly study and record the total solar eclipse of 2017.
This book is marketed towards the 5-7th grader, interested in astronomy. I am a scientist at heart, but I found this book had too much detail and too many pictures to keep my interest. The picture book format suggests to me a children’s book, but the content is more high school or young adult. This might be a great book for an introductory middle or high school class on astronomy.
There is a glossary, index and selected sources in back of book.
Reviewed By Irene Hall, Witherle Memorial Public Library, Castine