Published by Feiwel & Friends on July 2nd 2019
ISBN: 1250313627
Pages: 256

Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World
From a very young age Elon Musk was planning, experimenting, reading, and thinking about ways to use technology to save the planet. His family life was difficult and one time at school he was beaten and pushed down a flight of stairs, which ended with him in the hospital. He was bullied, but all through this he wanted to learn more and more. From this beginning he went on to higher education and became the CEO and founder of TESLA as he looked for ways to eliminate earth’s dependence on gasoline, Spacex to bring about travel to Mars, and the Boring Co. to make tunnels under the earth to speed travel—which, with living in California, was one of Elon’s pet peeves. Readers also learn about Elon’s marriages, divorces, one set of twins, a set of triplets, and a baby who died of SIDS. One interesting question that Elon always asks in interviews is “What serious problem have you faced, and how did you solve it?” This, in itself, will make for some very fascinating conversations. This book is recommended for grades 5-8.
Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland