Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on January 1, 2019
ISBN: 1541519779
Pages: 96
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Have you ever walked through the woods and heard the sound of the trees moving in the wind? Did this make you feel peaceful and at ease? Trees are a vital life force on our planet and in the book scientists share data that shows how trees can improve our lives by reducing stress and so much more. Author, Melissa Koch, covers an amazing amount of material beginning with the Mbuti Pygmies in the rain forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to rainforests of Brazil. In between, Koch discusses medicine made from trees, how trees communicate and protect themselves (“Wood Wide Web”), important scientists, and the important role of trees in the water cycle. Even readers who know a lot about trees will be able to learn something from this book. Large pictures and diagrams work with the text to visually present information and illustrate the text. This book would be an outstanding source for a research project or as a textbook for a unit during an environmental science class. Source notes, a glossary, resource lists for further information, and an index are included. Recommended for grades 6 and up.
Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School