Published by Katherine Tegen Books on August 10, 2021
ISBN: 0063044609
Pages: 288
Genres: Adventure, Horror, Mystery
Format: Fiction

From the opening paragraph, Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko sucks the reader into the story of Zee Puckett, a white-haired girl and infamous outsider in her small town. Cared for by her older sister Abby, Zee has no real adult supervision. Much of her time is spent in the local graveyard or with her best friend Elijah. Zee’s natural ability to spin tall tales works against her when she begins to have vivid dreams of terrifying wolf-like creatures that she feels are chasing her.
The story shifts during a library field trip where Zee converses with a young boy who worked for the library over 100 years earlier. Her then enemy, Nellie, promptly nicknames Zee “Ghost Girl”. The fight that ensues ushers in the character Mr. Scratch, the new school principal. With one red-gloved touch from Mr. Scratch and promises that the children’s deepest desires can be fulfilled, he takes control of the school. But it doesn’t stop there. Mr. Scratch gains control of the whole town, even Zee’s sister Abby.
The nightmares increase with ghostly visitations at night. Zee has inherited “the gift” that her mother had for talking to ghosts. With the help of the ghost of a murdered kindergarten teacher, Zee, Elijah, and Nellie end up working together to break the curse that has been cast over the town.There are positive themes in this horror story of friendship, trust, and learning to accept yourself. A good addition to any library’s horror section.
Suitable for ages 9 and up.Reviewed by Liz Davis, Children's Librarian, Waterville Public Library