Published by Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers on September 6, 2022
ISBN: 0593487931
Pages: 400
Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Suspense, supernatural creatures, and a tight storyline make this newest novel by Oppel a winner. Gabe lands a summer job telling stories while taking tourist on tours of Toronto Island. This novel quickly reveals the underlying historical ghost tales of a long-dead lighthouse keeper and his daughter. Readers are introduced to two additional teen characters who add immensely to the storyline. Each have necessary talents which Gabe leans upon to solve the mysterious long-ago deaths . These three characters appear larger than life, and readers come to know their individual abilities and fears.
Oppel is one of a few authors who can portray ghosts as living creatures, giving them personality and emotion. While reading Ghostlight we come face to face with true evil and yet there is room for compassion. This story reveals the possibility of a human /ghost relationship that goes beyond our human experience.
A great, fast-moving ghost story that is a well-written, creative read. Add this to any middle school media centers or public library collection as librarians will delight in handing this book to middle grade readers.
Nominated for Cream of the Crop
Reviewed by Jan Hamilton, retired Youth Services Librarian