Greek Myths and Mazes


Gods, heroes, fantastic creatures and historical events await the reader in a series of detailed two page mazes. An introduction to ancient Greek myths, legends, monsters and places, this interactive format will keep readers engaged. For readers who enjoy finding their way in mazes, they will also discover the myths and the world of ancient Greek by playing close attention to the illustrations and captions.  There is more detailed information in the back of the book in the Explanatory Notes section that correlates with each maze.

The mixed media illustrations in the book were inspired by the artwork of numerous ancient Greek vases, frescoes, and statues.  A fun and interactive way to learn about the culture of the ancient Greeks.  The large format presents a challenge in storing the book but would work well to have book displayed  with Greek collection.  Not recommended as a first purchase but a secondary purchase for most libraries with a strong collection.  For readers age 10 and up.

Reviewed by Terri Bauld, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public  Library, Kennebunkport, ME


