Published by Alfred A. Knopf on October 29, 2019
ISBN: 1524764507
Pages: 48
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
Gross As a Snot Otter: Discovering the World’s Most Disgusting Animals by Jess Keating with illustrations by David DeGrand is a fun browsing book for elementary school aged children. Illustrations with both colored photos and cartoon drawings reflect the accuracy of the information and spirit of fun while exploring animals. Each double page spread introduces 18 animals. Some do not look gross such as the giraffe and the Siberian chipmunk, but all have some gross habit or feature. Facts are broken up into smaller print paragraphs and larger print information filled bubbles. Readers can read as much or as little as they like. The science of “Ewww!” at the end explains how “feeling of disgust helped us stay safe.” This addition to the Weird Animals series is recommended for public and elementary school libraries by Margy Soule, Coffin Elementary School, Brunswick, Maine