ISBN: 0593121198
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

“Mindfulness is all about connecting with ourselves and the world around us.” These opening words set the tone for this wonderful introduction to mindfulness for kids. The book goes through several aspects of being — tasting, touching, feeling, relaxing, discovering — it talks about the ways to experience this in your life, and each page ends with questions for the reader to contemplate about how to experience these thing in their lives.
This is a great introduction to mindfulness for kids while simlutaneously being a good reminder for the adults reading to the kids. The illustrations are gorgeous, colorful, and wonderfully detailed. Recommended for kids 4 and up, this would be a great book to spark discussion or to help kids wind down at bed time.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME