Published by Doubleday Books for Young Readers on August 2, 2022
ISBN: 0593564812
Pages: 32
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

The Hello, World! board book series has expanded into the picture book genre offering a new series of kids’ guides for older readers. This book, Exploring Sharks will not disappoint young readers with its engaging format chock full of fascinating information and detailed illustrations. The story begins with the statement that sharks get a bad rap. Humans are more dangerous to sharks than sharks are to humans and that sharks are important to the health of the Earth’s oceans. Following is a diagram of a shark’s body parts. The book continues with a variety of sharks — each getting a two-page spread that includes: an illustration, general information, a stats callout, and a question for the reader. The final pages ask if the reader would like to work with sharks and discusses various occupations they could choose to help sharks. The back page includes a Sources and Further Reading Page. Overall, a strong addition to a school or public library that could use more shark books.
Reviewed by Terri Bauld, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library