Published by Kids Can Press on October 4, 2022
ISBN: 1525304852
Pages: 32
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

This nonfiction picture book has an interesting format. The main text is poetic: “When days grow short, flowers fade and colors crumple to the ground … all the hiders hide.” The information in the inserted circles is informational, describing the many ways animals face the challenges of winter — some hide (hibernate and related terminology) while others seek (migrate) and finders keep (adapt to cold by growing extra fur). Two sections in the back describe the tracks the animals make in the snow. Throughout the book, a father and daughter, both of whom have brown skin, hike through the forest. The supplements add much of the interest to the book. Back matter contains an author’s note and a list of resources. This is a unique presentation and life science teachers could use this as an introduction to a sorting and classifying lesson. It can also be used to read aloud one-on-one as there are a lot of details in the illustrations. Recommend for grades K-4.
Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library