Published by Candlewick Press on 2022
ISBN: 9781536224092
Pages: 24
Genres: Animals
Format: Board Book

This is a re-release of a board book published in 2004 which still provides lessons on kindness, sharing, and compassion. Murphy’s animals are simplistic yet very recognizable for the toddlers who are sure to enjoy looking at the pictures. The message will be appreciated by parents and caregivers who want to reinforce kindness behavior in the home and day care center. Like other reviewers I question why a soon to be mother hen would give her egg away but all ends well for the chick. Illustrations are cute on the two-page spreads and the colors are appealing. Public libraries who collect board books will want this title as the original copy was sure to have been discarded for bite marks and sticky spots. This is a good for collections with toddlers.
Reviewed by Jan Hamilton, Retired Youth Services Librarian