Published by HarperTeen on November 10, 2020
Pages: 320
Genres: Mystery, Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Start with a boarding school, add a group of friends who all feel misunderstood, include a little bit of romance to the friend group, and finish it off with the darkest secrets of each group member being revealed to the whole campus by an unknown source. Falkoff’s novel reads like the love child of John Green and Maureen Johnson; a blend of Looking For Alaska and Truly Devious. Sent to Gardner Academy by her parents to help ease her anxiety about the crises facing the world, ironically, Amina meets a group of friends who form a group who make a game of how to survive the end of the world. Each member of the group takes a turn creating a scenario that the rest of the group must survive. As the competition and romance heat up between the friends, secrets about each of them are revealed to the whole campus. This is a timely read with references to current events that will resonate with many readers, particularly when Amina comments, “‘I mean the world kind of sucks right now…’” Despite contemplating the end of the world, the story never becomes overwhelming and leaves the reader with a satisfying ending. Recommended for grades 8 and up.
Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School