Series: Catwad #1
Published by Graphix on March 26th 2019
ISBN: 1338326023
Pages: 128

Sketch comedy with cats at its finest. Benton’s latest character is a grumpy, blue cat named Catwad whose best friend is a dim-witted cat named Blurmp. The two are an unlikely duo (think Odd Couple but in brighter-than-life cartoon-cat form) and when Blurmp gets an idea, hilarity follows as Catwad (over)reacts. In short vignettes of vivid color and prolific exclamation points, Catwad tries in vain to feel a tiny bit of the ignorant bliss experienced by Blurmp. There are many jokes that fall under the category of bathroom or gross-out humor, but since Captain Underpants has paved the way, kids will love this. The word dumb is also thrown around a bit. Some of the humor will go over the heads of younger readers and some of the humor might be too juvenile for older readers, but for the elementary-aged sweet spot, this book in the hands of a more reluctant reader may have you scrambling for Book 2 (coming soon!). Readers of Bird & Squirrel and Dog Man as well as fans of Grumpy Cat will eat up this graphic novel.
Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth