ISBN: 0062432796
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
This I Can Read selection looks at the life of Valerie Jane Louise Goodall. Using a straightforward, easy to understand text, novice readers are given a look into the early life of Jane Goodall and how she rose to become the spokesman and expert on chimpanzees. Large, colorful illustrations support the text with photos and more information about Goodall can be found at the end of the book. For the emergent reader, this is an excellent introduction to one of Dr. Leakey’s “trimates.”
Pair this with many picture books about Jane Goodall: Jane Goodall: Protector ofChimpanzees – Virginia Meachum, I am Jane Goodall-Brad Meltzer, Me…Jane- Patrick McDonnell, and The Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours – Jane Goodall
consider for cream
grades K-3
Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray Maine