Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on January 15th 2019
ISBN: 132879184X
Pages: 32

How are cats ‘just like us’? Young readers may find a few similarities, but many facts given are not connected to humans. Some pages have no mention of the comparison. The cartoonish illustrations that dominate the pages attempt to provide a little humor and are superimposed over a few photographs. Each two-page covers one topic, such as ‘Kittengarten’ or “Take Your Cub to Hunt Day’ with fact boxes that are quite text-heavy for younger readers, and most have an easy-to-read font but some are in another hard-to-read style.
An index or table of contents would be helpful. The verso page shows reading levels for Lexile (850), Guided Reading (T), Fountas & Penell (R), and the interest level (grades 2-6). “Say What” provides the glossary, and a helpful bibliography are included. This author has previously published Fish, Birds, Ant and Plants in this series.
Reviewed by Lynn Mayer, Librarian, Old Town Elementary School, Old Town