Published by Delacorte Press on July 26, 2022
ISBN: 0593483405
Pages: 416
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

The human body is not only fascinating and extraordinary, it is also pretty weird. This guide to the human body will answer important questions such as — are boogers safe to eat? How much of your life is spent on the toilet? Fourteen chapters of doctor guided information that covers a broad range of body parts as well as common conditions. Also included, is straightforward talk on anxiety, depression, the dangers of smoking, drugs & alcohol, and a chapter on life and death. The book is both informational and entertaining with plenty of poop and fart references to keep middle school students laughing. The black and white illustrations are playful and humorous with labeled cutaway views to further convey the information. The illustrations are plentiful and appear throughout the book.
This is a nice to book to supplement a more conventional book on the body as at times more information on the topic would be beneficial. It is, however, a fun book that will provide readers with fun insights into the human body. The back pages include a glossary, index, and further reading suggestions. Recommended for readers ages 10 to 14.
Reviewed by Terri Bauld, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, Kennebunkport, ME