Published by Not Avail on January 1, 2019
ISBN: 1642801704
Pages: 24
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Guaranteed to gross you out! I never heard about a kissing bug until reading this fascinating book even though six to seven million people are infected with the parasite that causes Chagas disease. About 12,000 people die from the disease each year and most did not even know that had the disease. Triatomines were given the name “kissing bugs” because they tend to bite near a person’s mouth while a person is asleep. Once full of blood, the bug defecates on the bite and allows the parasite to enter the body. Another reason to be concerned about climate change – they are spreading north! Pets are also at risk. While fascinating information, I would have liked more about how Chagas disease affects people and how scientists are combating the bugs and Chagas disease. Other books in series “Bugged Out! the World’s Most Dangerous Bugs”: Filthy Flies, Frightening Fleas, Murderous Mosquitoes, Terrifying Ticks, and Wretched Worms. Not for the squeamish but engrossing (pun intended) informational book.
Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library