Published by Candlewick Press on December 10, 2019
ISBN: 1536209147
Pages: 128
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Short Stories
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

This book consists of short stories that take place during ‘little lunch’ at a school in Australia — it seems to be a hybrid between recess and snack time. This is the second installment of this series based on an Australian TV show. The first story in this book was sweet, but the second two fell flat for me. All stories have a good life lesson, and some children may relate to the situations presented (not wanting to eat your snack, being ostracized by classmates, etc.), but the quality of writing and illustrations just don’t match what’s out there right now. This book is best for 2-3 graders and could be used as a group read aloud. An additional purchase for libraries looking to expand their early chaper book section.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME