Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on June 19th 2018
ISBN: 0544935535
Pages: 40

Most of the time, animals try to blend in, but sometimes they want to stand out and be noticed. Young readers will enjoy reading about a variety of animals who do just that. Some animals like the hooded seal and frigatebird attract attention by inflating skin to form eye catching pouches. Some are great imitators like the ladybird mimic spider who fools hungry birds by looking like a ladybug. Thus, the spider avoids being a meal, as ladybugs are poisonous and are avoided as a meal choice . And some animals just want to be desirable. Like the stalk-eyed fly who pumps air into its eyestalks because females prefer mates with the longest eyestalks. The book is filled with many other fascinating animals that have unusual traits. The text is brief but on point, and is complemented by the large colorful illustrations done in torn and cut paper collage. The back pages include a glossary and a sidebar that explains why the males of many species are so colorful. Another great collaboration from Steve Jenkins and Robin Page, that is educational and entertaining.
Reviewed by Terri Bauld, Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, Kennebunkport, ME