Published by First Second on February 25, 2020
ISBN: 1250152143
Pages: 128
Genres: Fantasy, Humor, Non-Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel

Will, Violet, and Basil are students at the Garden Gnome Academy, and they’ve just landed in the class taught by the least popular teacher, Mr. Butternut. He teaches about composting and growing gardens — and it turns out to be a bit more fun than simple vegetable gardening.
This graphic novel is a combination of a fictional plot with a lot of information about gardening. While I like the idea, it just doesn’t seem to work for me. The plot is loosely there throughout, but there are also pages where the kids are just learning about gardening. I feel like a simple but well-done graphic nonfiction book about gardening may work better. I do like the information presented as it encompasses many types of gardening with several DIY activities to try at home. Recommended for 2nd grade and up.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME