Published by Hungry Tomato (R) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1541500989
Pages: 32

Dickmann illustrates how math has been used for centuries and is behind many important discoveries. Some of the topics covered include the periodic table, lenses, circumference, the sundial, triangles, and the metric system. Readers are shown how math impacted all of these ideas, led to great discoveries (the arch), and continue influencing the world (satellites). Each section provides a “Math in Action” activity with answers provided in the back of the book. Colorful pictures and drawings add understanding to each section. Topics are briefly covered leaving the reader wishing for additional resources. Librarians and teachers will want to recommend this title to readers wondering why math matters and those looking for connections between math and science. Recommended for ages 8-11.
Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton