Published by Quarry - Quarto Library on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1631594540
Pages: 32

Math Lab introduces the reader to fun, hands-on activities focusing on Geometry and Topology. Each of the ten labs is accompanied by colorful, easy to follow diagrams and a math fact. Readers will learn about different types of shapes (prisms, anti-prisms, pyramids, platonic solids, circles, ellipses), how to compare the shapes, and discover Mobius strips. Materials are easy to access (gumdrops, string, paper) and experimentation is encouraged. Challenging terms (vertex, oblique) are described in an easy to understand manner. Hints and solutions are provided at the back of the book as well as a couple links for further activities. Although a link for printable versions of some of the exercises is also provided, when the site was accessed no activities relating to these topics existed. Intended for 4th-8th graders, some of the pictures show younger children. Older readers may find the text informative, but the activities not challenging enough. Parents and teachers may place this book in the hands of a younger student needing a challenge or an older student struggling to grasp geometric shapes.
Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton